Debunking the “Feed The World” Myth

“You can’t feed the world that way. It’s not scaleable.”

Industrialized agriculture interests argue that factory farming is the only way to feed our growing world population. This mantra is used to justify destructive and inhumane practices that make food artificially cheap and wastefully abundant....

6 Healthy Side Dishes To Go With That Burger

When you're firing up the grill for a Lamb-Bacon Burger, our Natural Pastured Pork Hot Dogs, or one of our classic Grassfed Beef Burgers, make sure to plan your sides for the cookout. Listen, we're proud of the way our meat products taste - but good, healthy vegetable side dishes make them taste...

Regenerative Agriculture vs. Fake Meat

White Oak Pastures has been a leader in illuminating the role meat production plays in climate change for years. But recently, we've been hearing that industrialized agriculture products made in a lab are the going to be future of meat. Fake meat companies like to say that they are a better choice...

Waste Not, Want Not: Zero Waste Workshop

We're a little biased, but we think White Oak Pastures is a pretty nice place to be. As it turns out, other people have been thinking the same thing. Over the past few years, our on-farm event capabilities have been growing. From corporate retreats to sit-down dinners to workshops, we've hosted a...

Reserve Your Thanksgiving Turkey

It’s time to RESERVE YOUR BIRD! Secure one of our turkeys today for your Thanksgiving tradition. Don’t miss out on having one of our birds on your table. 

Gourmet Grinds: Grassfed Beef, Pasture-Raised Poultry & Iberico Pork

There are few things better than a grassfed beef burger fresh off the grill at the end of a long day. But as many of our customers are learning, there are some alternatives beyond a basic burger. 

A Tale of Two Brothers

The power of animal impact: a side by side comparison of grazed versus ungrazed pasture

Once upon a time, there was an industrial commodity farmer who had two sons.

The father and his two sons worked together to produce corn and soybeans in a monoculture. They rotated the two crops year after year...

Kolomoki Mounds

There's a little strip of land down here in Bluffton that we call "The Bluffton Ridge". It's about 15 miles long, and just a few hundred yards wide. It's where the Appalachian Mountains have gone underground, and combined with the coastal plains weather, where about 52 inches of rainfall pretty...

New Designs in Our Leather Department

We are fiercely proud of our zero-waste production system at White Oak Pastures, using every part of the animals that we raise and butcher on our farm. We are even more proud when this zero-waste production system can produce something beautiful - like our leather products.

Our leather products are...

Responsible, and Ready To Eat

Many new products and services nowadays are marketed as convenient, catering to new consumer preferences about ease and accessibility - think meal kits, easy microwave dishes, fast food delivery. Most of our customers also appreciate convenience, but they are probably more interested in other...

Less Than 15 Damn Cents

If most consumers knew what I know, they would buy their food directly from a farm.

There are a lot of good reasons to know where your food comes from.  The most obvious is that its not a good idea to put anything in your mouth unless you know where it has been.

There are also health, safety, and...

Why Order Online?

We believe there's something special about our online store, which we like to call "your one-stop-shop in the local food movement". Our online retail is an essential part of our entire animal agriculture operation, helping our business grow while allowing us to maintain control over the final...

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    For cooking tips and original recipes, check out our recipe blog: Grassfed & Pastured Recipes