White Oak Pastures Charcuterie by The Spotted Trotter

Cured meat has been around since 3000 BC, and we are so excited to add it to our offering for our customers. We partnered with The Spotted Trotter in Atlanta to develop 3 delicious Summer Salamis: Genoa, Black Pepper & Sorghum, Cured Chorizo. We’re sure you’ll love them! Using our pasture-raised...

Upgrading To A Compostable Cooler

We are proud to announce that Green Cell Foam Insulated Shipping Coolers are now available to protect White Oak Pastures' frozen and perishable products during shipment. The perfect combination of sustainable technology, thermal performance and shock protection, these shipping coolers have thermal...

How Our Farm Reverses Land Degeneration

Scientists tell us that the planet that we live on was once a lifeless rock, spinning around the sun. It would have been black, and brown, and gray, with a poisonous atmosphere. It would have been incredibly hot on one side, with the water vaporized, and incredibly cold on the other side, with the...

Gourmet Grinds: For Your Convenience

Eloise Harris, mother to Will Harris, used to talk at length about the generational loss for cooking at home. Growing up, I remember her saying “I can cook everything from a cow from the nose to the tail. My daughter-in-law can cook hamburgers, roasts and a few steaks, and my grandchildren, well,...

We Finally Did It: Meat the Porken

At White Oak Pastures, we are always looking for ways to better the land, animals, and people. This mission doesn’t stop when it comes to looking for creative ways to serve our devoted, passionate customers. Over the last 150+ years, we’ve been breeding our cattle for their maternal instincts...

Meet Aurelius Morris, Employee Of The Month

Word of Mouth is how Aurelius Morris heard about an available position at White Oak Pastures. The specific opportunity was in the poultry processing department, a field in which he had prior experience. But even though Aurelius had experience with chickens, he describes White Oak Pastures as...

Grow Herbs For Their Beauty And Beneficial Effects On Vegetables

Our garden at White Oak Pastures is a little messy. We battle weeds from April through November and are always on the hunt for whatever pest of the week is trying to take out our cabbage crop, or tomato crop, or okra crop. In the world of farming and especially organic farming, the question of...

Manager Of The Month: Kiersten Cartwright

Indiantown, Florida may be a small town, but this village seven hours south of Bluffton, Georgia is the home of Payson Park, one of the top thoroughbred horse racing facilities in the United States. Frontman Davy Jones, a member of the Monkees band, kept a stable of thoroughbred horses there until...

Who’s Your Paddy? Corned Beef and Cabbage Recipe

St. Patricks Day. As a young child, the only thing I knew about St. Patrick’s Day was that if I didn’t wear green to school, I was going to get the fire pinched out of me. All. Day. Long. Lesson learned. As I got older, I learned that green was and still is, NOT my color. I can put on a green...

Building Stronger Farms and Communities

The 21st Annual Georgia Organics Conference & ExpoOne of the largest of its kind in the Southeast

Employees from White Oak Pastures were proud to attend the 2018 Georgia Organics Conference in Tifton, GA the second weekend in February. Georgia Organics is a non-profit organization that champions...

Store Spotlight: To Your Health Sprouted Flour

To Your Health Sprouted Flour is an organic, sprouted flour company located in Bullock County, Alabama. It was started in founder and president, Peggy Sutton's kitchen in 2005 for a few friends and family members. Peggy had researched the benefits of sprouted grains and the time-honored tradition...

The Cajun Mardi Gras: Chicken Chase - Courir de Mardi Gras

When you close your eyes and think of Mardi Gras, what do you envision? Perhaps the glamorous parades splitting the crowded streets as beads, trinkets, and doubloons are tossed from adorned participants on floats. Maybe you see the colors of purple, green and gold which signify justice, faith, and...

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