Employee Of The Month: Meet Marty Brown

White Oak Pastures ships products all over the United States. However, there are deliveries made closer to home and Marty Brown is the man we depend on to deliver our products. He travels to Atlanta twice a week and to Sebring, Florida where our cowhides are tanned. Marty makes a return trip to...

We Give Thanks

It happens. Every. Single. Year. We blink, and here comes Thanksgiving, approaching faster than the previous year, and the rest of the year is history! White Oak Pastures has so much to be thankful for on any given year, but particularly this year with hurricanes Irma and Michael ravaging through...

Meet Johnny Jacobs: Manager Of The Month

Meet Johnny “Jake” Jacobs, a “Jack of all trades” and a master of one! Jake is one of our most talented butchers here at White Oak Pastures, bringing experience, hard work, and attention to detail to the cutting block. All of these lead to product production that is second to none!

Sweet & Spicy Sriracha Beef Bites are EPIC

White Oak Pastures is proud to share that EPIC Provisions’ Sweet & Spicy Sriracha Beef Bites are the first product to carry the new consumer-facing Land to Market Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) Seal. EPIC Provisions makes healthy food that incorporates consciously sourced animal products,...

Winner of Garden & Gun Made In The South Awards: Food Category

Challenges have never prevented Will Harris from backing down from any endeavor he considered advantageous for his family, his farm, his animals, and his community. When approached by the Oriol family, who traveled from Spain through the United States, searching for a farm to partner with in...

Hurricane Michael - How You Can Help

Last week, the White Oak Pastures farm family suffered through a direct hit from Hurricane Michael with sustaining winds up to 115 miles per hour. Will Harris shared that he has never witnessed a storm of this magnitude in Bluffton, Georgia in his entire life.

The livestock production staff, with...

Online Shopping is Easier Than Ever!

White Oak Pastures has always had a website, but over the years, we have worked to build our site to better serve our customers who shop for products or information. Today, we are certain we have the most efficient and user-friendly site.

Our New Look With A Refreshing Brand

Many of our customers know that our passion is raising livestock on pasture in a way that regenerates the land. Witnessing animals execute what they are meant to do, which is roam our pastures, leaving it richer and more suitable than it was, is something that’s deeply rooted in the history of our...

Alfred Foster: One Of A Kind

Alfred Foster is what we refer to as an “Old-Timer” here at White Oak Pastures with his tenth year of employment approaching in December. Alfred grew up in North Carolina where his father served in the military. His family was then stationed in Montgomery, AL. From Montgomery, Alfred moved to...

Skull Painting Workshop

Denna Peterson, who is our Accounts Payable Manager, recently led a Skull Painting workshop and shares the experience she and her “Skull Crew” had.

Leather Clutch Workshop

White Oak Pastures invites you to join Fashion Design Professor, Wanda Brown, who retired from Florida State University, along with our leather craftswomen, Alena Ivakhnenko and Rysa Ruth, to fashion a beautiful leather clutch. By adhering to White Oak Pastures' no-waste tenet, we are given the...

A Big Win For A Small Farm

White Oak Pastures Entitled To Compensation For Poultry Destruction By Bald Eagle Attacks

In a victory for White Oak Pastures and for small farms in America, The National Appeals Division (NAD) of the Farm Service Administration (FSA) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, determined that the farm...

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