Leather Clutch Workshop

White Oak Pastures invites you to join Fashion Design Professor, Wanda Brown, who retired from Florida State University, along with our leather craftswomen, Alena Ivakhnenko and Rysa Ruth, to fashion a beautiful leather clutch. By adhering to White Oak Pastures' no-waste tenet, we are given the...

A Big Win For A Small Farm

White Oak Pastures Entitled To Compensation For Poultry Destruction By Bald Eagle Attacks

In a victory for White Oak Pastures and for small farms in America, The National Appeals Division (NAD) of the Farm Service Administration (FSA) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, determined that the farm...

The Resurgence Of Salves

Historically, people have used herbs as a primary treatment for wounds and ailments, as well as skin, scalp, and hair problems. Herbs are seen as the forerunner to over-the-counter skin care and first aid ointments currently used. As modern medicine developed, herbs were put on the back burner by...

Heart Of Waverly BBQ

Bluffton, Georgia and Waverly, Alabama: two small towns that are not familiar to many. At a distance of 114 miles and a state border, these communities have many similar characteristics than at initial glance. Members of the White Oak Pastures team traveled to Waverly, AL on July 28th to...

Justin Wiley: Manager of the Month

July 2009 is when Justin Wiley, fondly referred to as “Buck,” stepped in to help his good friend, Chase Floyd, in the cutting room at White Oak Pastures’ red meat abattoir. Buck’s career began when he was hired as a butcher at White Oak Pastures. The company grew, and grew quickly. Buck states he...

Hittin’ The Sauce - J&J’s Private Reserve Habanero

It’s always fascinating how things “come to pass,” as they say. The greatest success stories are usually centered around someone stumbling upon an idea while participating in something they love, creating something they love or sharing what they love with others. Such is the case with the makers of

We Have A Plan: A Plan To Can!

The Organic Garden has had a successful season here at White Oak Pastures. With that success comes an overabundance of a variety of Certified Organic produce. While each manager on the farm is able to operate their department as an almost independent business, we frequently come together to develop...

Where There Is Will, There Is A Way

As I reflected on Will Harris’ explanation of the Internship Program at White Oak Pastures, a similarity ran through my mind. Will and Ray Kinsella, the farmer played by Kevin Costner in the 1989 film Field Of Dreams, share a common experience, so to speak. Ray was a baseball fan who either audibly...

What To Expect From The Unknown

White Oak Pastures is a model of the highest standards of animal welfare, holistic farm management, and regenerative agriculture. Our Internship/Apprenticeship Program allows us to expose and train each intern in the different departments incorporated under the White Oak Pastures’ umbrella....

Where Are They Now?

Emerson is credited with saying, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” White Oak Pastures is excited to be a part of our interns’ journey but wanted to get a glimpse of the paths that a few of them have followed, and the destinations a few have reached.

Lewis Rickerson - Employee of the Month

Lewis Rickerson, purveyor of antiques and pecans from his own business, came to White Oak Pastures to supplement his income. Lewis states that trying to describe White Oak Pastures is “impossible, because it just can’t be described in one word.” I am confident in describing Lewis as one who has...

And A “Whirl” She Went!

Inspiration can come from people, places, or things, and we never know when or from where our inspiration may come. For Denna Peterson, it emerged from the process of remodeling. She started making her own chandeliers and furniture, then moved on to painting the inside of her home. Her husband,...

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