Meet Lashona Butler - Pavilion and Food Truck Manager 

Lashona Butler, our Dining Pavilion and Food Truck Manager, has worn more than a few culinary hats in her life. Lashona came to White Oak Pastures in 2012 and hasn’t stopped learning, progressing, and developing strategies. Not only is she enhancing White Oak Pastures, but she is inspiring her...

Customer Spotlight - Fresh Harvest

Please tell us a little about the history of your business and what you do?

Established in 2012, Fresh Harvest provides home and office deliveries of local organic produce, meat, eggs, milk, and more throughout Greater Atlanta. Over the past few years, we've also developed our own garden space in...

Customer Spotlight - Raw Feeding Miami

Raw Feeding Miami is an online retailer of raw pet food. We are proud to supply them with our humanely raised, unique range of products. 

 Store Spotlight - LeAnn’s Gourmet Foods

LeAnn’s Gourmet Foods, a Georgia-based, woman-run company, offers a range of local, all natural, gluten free relishes, pickles, jellies, jams, butters, dips and mixes.

Simplicity, because who doesn’t like the simple things in life? That is certainly something indicative of the South and is...

Sugar and Spice: Flavor of White Oak Pastures

White Oak Pastures’ Artisan sausages are hand-crafted from the highest quality muscle cuts such as pork picnic, butts, and hams, which we process in small batches of fifty pounds. In addition to beef, pork, lamb, and chicken, we offer turkey, duck, and goose sausage as well. You will not find such...

Employee Spotlight- Johnny Jacobs

Meet Johnny “Jake” Jacobs, a “Jack of all trades” and a master of one! Jake is one of our most talented butchers here at White Oak Pastures, bringing experience, hard work, and attention to detail to the butcher block. All of these lead to product production that is second to none!

Customer Spotlight - Garnish and Gather's Emily Golub

“What’s for dinner?” is a phrase that is heard in every household, probably every single day. Our culture is a busy one and it seems that healthy meals are few and far between because of that. One smart woman turned her personal challenge into a healthy, helpful business. Garnish & Gather was...

Land to Market - It's Finally Here

Will Harris speaks on The Evolution of the Land to Market Program:

“Allan Savory changed the way I look at land,” said Will Harris, who often calls Savory the “father of holistic range and pasture management.” White Oak Pastures is proud to be one of a very few global Savory Hubs, and only one of...

Hand-made Holiday Specials at the General Store

If you find yourself feeling a bit nostalgic this Christmas Season, make your way to White Oak Pastures’ General Store in downtown Bluffton. The sound of the boards as you step onto the old wood floors, takes some of us back to a simpler time. A time where hustling and bustling was far removed...

Employee of the Month: Deion Wallace

White Oak Pastures has several second-generational family members employed here on the farm. Deion Wallace, IFC Supervisor, is one of them.

During high school, Deion was an athlete: a defensive back and wide receiver in football, a shooting- guard in basketball, and a sprinter in track. After...

Grand Reveal - Exciting New Products

At White Oak Pastures, we are always looking for ways to provide our customers with an exceptional and unique shopping (and eating) experience. After all, how many farms do you know that raise, process and ship 10 species of livestock directly to the consumer….from the farm? Well, we do! And, we...

Learn About Our Tallow

We are proud to provide our customers with old-fashioned, hand-made tallow products that support the regeneration of land and rural communities.  Our products are made from Certified Grassfed, Certified Humane, GAP Step 4, Certified Naturally Grown, Pasture-Raised beef tallow.

Here at White Oak...

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    For cooking tips and original recipes, check out our recipe blog: Grassfed & Pastured Recipes