Friends and supporters,
Introducing: Come & Get It, Y'all!
How We Garden with Regenerative Practices...
In the garden, our primary focus is on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the soil that we rely on. We do this in a number of ways – some of which are key tenants of the Regenerative Agriculture movement and some of which are experimental and location-driven.
There was a time when dinosaurs roamed the lands and swam in the seas of our planet. The largest was said to be the Argentinosaurs, which weighed 100 tons and only ate plants.
Can you imagine how rich the soil that grew plants nutrient-dense enough to support a creature that large had to have...
Will's Wisdom: Food & Supply Shortages
Almost everything that I read predicts an eminent food shortage, and I'm pretty sure that we are going to have one.
Will's Wisdom: Functioning Life Cycles
We get dozens of visitors to our farm every day. Some spend the night, some eat with us, and some just stop by. This is pleasing to us. We are fiercely proud of what we do.
When you see grassfed beef labeled “Product of USA”, where do you think it came from? Most consumers, understandably, assume that the beef is raised and processed domestically in the United States.
The Farmer's Role in the Food System
The farmer can, and probably will, be taken out of the equation when his utility is gone. We have been left in the equation (food chain) because we provide land, labor, and other inputs at a lower cost than the big boys in the chain (big AG, food processing, food service companies) can provide for...
White Oak Pastures Shipping FAQs
Online shopping has become a habit for all of us by now. But while you may not think twice about getting a book shipped to your doorstep, transporting grassfed and pasture-raised meats across the country requires different logistics.