Announcing Our New App

We are excited to announce the launch of our new White Oak Pastures app - available now in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. The app includes exclusive offers and giveaway opportunities.

Do You Give a Damn?

The Planet Will Not Feed An Unlimited Number Of People.

We are asking the wrong questions.

A Letter To Whole Foods Market Customers.

Whole Foods Market Customers,

A Levelheaded Lesson From Will Harris: Live Your Life With Gumption!

Will's Wisdom: The Cowboy Way vs The PhD Way

When I was at the UGA College of Agriculture, I made all “C’s”.

Why Do Our Products Cost More Than Industrial Commodity Foods?

You Were Lied to.

A lie that they got rich making people believe and a new lie that is going to make them even richer. 

They = multi-national corporations, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the usual suspects.

You were lied to when you were told that cattle are destroying the Earth.

Unless you have been living...

Cut the Bullsh!t; Eat the Bull Kit

Here at White Oak Pastures, as part of our commitment to the land, animals, and the people in our communities, we made a decision to offer bull meat to our customers! Most male cattle in the beef industry are castrated, which is what we used to do when we were commodity farmers. But, we realized...

Climate-Smart Grant Rejected

Supporters of White Oak Pastures,

Introducing: Come & Get It, Y'all!

Friends and supporters,

How We Garden with Regenerative Practices...

In the garden, our primary focus is on the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the soil that we rely on. We do this in a number of ways – some of which are key tenants of the Regenerative Agriculture movement and some of which are experimental and location-driven.

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