We love our composting operation that allows us to turn unsellable parts into something that enriches our land years down the road. Therefore, we made it our mission to figure out how to save, dehydrate, and sell some of these extra parts and pieces to our most loyal customers.
Our Pet Chew Department came to life quickly and in full-force! We now save tracheas, esophagus’, feet, noses, ears, etc. from all 10 species raised and processed on our farm, turning them into dehydrated chews. Our customers range from large pet stores in New York, all the way down to small boutiques in Miami, where your average animal lover just wants the best for their pup.
Along with the dehydrated chews, we also make rawhides from our cow, lamb and goat hides. We’re one of the only (possibly THE only) vertically integrated farm that sells USDA on-farm butchered meats and sun-dried rawhides. Four very hard working folks keep fresh hides coming in from our Red Meat Abattoir, fleshed, cleaned and into the sun to dry each week. The method to this madness has changed a bit over the last few years and we’ve outgrown two buildings in the process. We moved into the new Hide Barn earlier this year and we are already filling up every inch with chews we’re extremely proud of! The pet department continues to grow at a rapid pace and we love trying to keep up!
This holiday season you can find the perfect gift for your animals or friends with animals at our General Store in Bluffton or through our online store (www.whiteoakpastures.com.) We promise to pack each box with lots of farm love!