The USA Imports More Beef than We Export

Do You Give a Damn?

The Planet Will Not Feed An Unlimited Number Of People.

We are asking the wrong questions.

A Letter To Whole Foods Market Customers.

Whole Foods Market Customers,

Will's Wisdom: The Cowboy Way vs The PhD Way

When I was at the UGA College of Agriculture, I made all “C’s”.

Introducing: Come & Get It, Y'all!

Friends and supporters,

Will's Wisdom: Food & Supply Shortages

Almost everything that I read predicts an eminent food shortage, and I'm pretty sure that we are going to have one.

“Product of USA” grassfed beef may not be from the USA

When you see grassfed beef labeled “Product of USA”, where do you think it came from? Most consumers, understandably, assume that the beef is raised and processed domestically in the United States.

The Farmer's Role in the Food System

The farmer can, and probably will, be taken out of the equation when his utility is gone. We have been left in the equation (food chain) because we provide land, labor, and other inputs at a lower cost than the big boys in the chain (big AG, food processing, food service companies) can provide for...

Will’s Wisdom: Seeing ‘Out of Stock’ messages should reassure our customers

We get a fair amount of complaints because we are often “out of stock” on items in our online store. It pisses customers off, and we hate that.

The Cycles of Nature: How We Regenerate Land

We want to explain the complexity of regenerative agriculture.

The word “regenerative” is now entering the mainstream, with products on grocery store shelves and online stores starting to claim “regenerative practices”.

Will's Wisdom: Centralization is where the damn problem is

A recent investigation from The Guardian and the nonprofit Food and Water Watch underscores just how centralized and consolidated our food system has become.

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