Will Harris

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Will's Wisdom: Managing for Money vs Land & Livestock & Community

We have a lot of visitors on the farm, and we are grateful to have them. We operate this farm with complete transparency. We show them everything that we do. And we answer all questions that they ask. We even respond to questions about financial matters that most people would consider too...

Will’s Wisdom: Seeing ‘Out of Stock’ messages should reassure our customers

We get a fair amount of complaints because we are often “out of stock” on items in our online store. It pisses customers off, and we hate that.

Will’s Wisdom: It ain't about just measuring the damn carbon

We’ve broken more than just the carbon cycle

Will’s Wisdom: “Animal manure is a valuable currency”

Will's Wisdom: Solar operators should utilize grazing as their vegetation control tool

All land has a natural state that is the result of its evolution. This natural state is impacted by rainfall [quantity & timing], temperature [how hot or cold and for how long], elevation, mineral composition, microbial population, daylight length, seasonality, and other factors that we can’t...

Will's Wisdom: We Broke Our Food System in Three Ways

Over the last 75 years, we have broken our food production system in three ways. 

We industrialized, centralized, and commoditized agriculture [food production].

Will’s Wisdom: The Garden of Eden and The Destruction of Our Planet

I was raised in the heart of the Bible belt, but I was not raised in the Church. On Sundays, we tended to cattle, just like we did the other six days.

I don't ever remember my father attending a Church service. My attendance was limited to the occasional Sunday mornings, when I happened to have...

Whatever Is Good For Our Planet Will Be Good For Us

In the 75 years after the end of World War II, we have lived under the assumption that whatever was good for us would be good for our planet. The unintended, unnoticed, and unpleasant consequences of that idea have now become clear and costly. This idea has proved to be a dismal failure.

Will's Wisdom: Limiting Factors in Food Production

I was an industrial cattle rancher for 20 years. My upbringing prepared me to operate my farm in an industrialized, commoditized way. My education taught me a reductive, linear farming method.

Will's Wisdom: Nature is Complex, not Complicated

We recently had a young person visit us on the farm who was eager to learn about what we do. She admitted up front that she had never spent any time on a farm.

Will's Wisdom: An ounce of gold is worth more than farmland?

I just looked up today's price for gold. It was $2,035 per ounce. An acre of non-irrigated farmland in Bluffton, Georgia sells for about $2,000 per acre.

So, today, you can buy an acre of farmland for less money than you can buy an ounce of gold.

Will’s Wisdom: Think About This When You Eat an Impossible Burger

Other than open pit mineral mining operations, there are few commercial endeavors that degrade land as much as industrial monocrop agriculture. Industrial monocrop agriculture utilizes tillage, and chemical fertilizers, and pesticides, which harm our environment in many ways:

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