Will Harris

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Will's Wisdom: An ounce of gold is worth more than farmland?

I just looked up today's price for gold. It was $2,035 per ounce. An acre of non-irrigated farmland in Bluffton, Georgia sells for about $2,000 per acre.

So, today, you can buy an acre of farmland for less money than you can buy an ounce of gold.

Will’s Wisdom: Think About This When You Eat an Impossible Burger

Other than open pit mineral mining operations, there are few commercial endeavors that degrade land as much as industrial monocrop agriculture. Industrial monocrop agriculture utilizes tillage, and chemical fertilizers, and pesticides, which harm our environment in many ways:

Living Off the Fat of the LAND⁠—Not the Fat of the LAB

All of my life I have heard, and used, the expression “Living off of the Fat of the Land”.

To me, that expression means doing well from the excesses that come from what you have. It is kind of like living on the interest that is paid on your savings account.

What A Resilient Production System Looks Like

For the last 25 years, some of us have recognized there is no resilience in the American food production system. Today, it is painfully evident to anyone who takes a look at it. 

Will’s Wisdom: Australian Fires and Imported Grassfed Beef

Fact: American grassfed beef ranches have lost most of their profitability in the last few years.

I have found it necessary to rethink encouraging new producers to embrace our regenerative cattle production model. I now feel compelled to warn them to be very careful. This is because we veteran...

2019 By the Numbers: Will Harris’ Year-End Recap

This has been a landmark year for White Oak Pastures. So many good things have happened. These are things that I never would have believed could be possible here.  

Will’s Wisdom: Greenwashing Is Destroying The Regenerative Farming Movement

Twenty five years ago, I began slowly transitioning our family farm from the industrial cattle farm that it had become. Today we pasture-raise cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, goats, rabbits, honey, eggs, organic vegetables, and a lot of the other products that the Abundance of Nature provides when...

Will’s Wisdom: Your Opportunity To Bring A Little Prosperity To Impoverished Rural America

Every thinking American has some level of recognition of the decay that has occurred in our rural communities. Almost everyone can agree that this decline is one of the greatest economic disasters of the last half century.

Will’s Wisdom: To Concerned Consumers, From a Regenerative Farmer

An important message from a Regenerative Farmer to Concerned Consumers:

Do you believe in Climate Change?

Most thinking people do. 

Do you worry about how climate change will impact future generations?  

Most compassionate people do. 

Do you wish that there was an action, that you could do from the...

It Has Gotten Worse In The Past 98 Years

The Hijacking of the American Food System ain't new, it just continues to get a helluva lot worse.

Debunking the “Feed The World” Myth

“You can’t feed the world that way. It’s not scaleable.”

Industrialized agriculture interests argue that factory farming is the only way to feed our growing world population. This mantra is used to justify destructive and inhumane practices that make food artificially cheap and wastefully abundant....

A Tale of Two Brothers

The power of animal impact: a side by side comparison of grazed versus ungrazed pasture

Once upon a time, there was an industrial commodity farmer who had two sons.

The father and his two sons worked together to produce corn and soybeans in a monoculture. They rotated the two crops year after year...

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