Will Harris

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Will’s Wisdom: Greenwashing Is Destroying The Regenerative Farming Movement

Twenty five years ago, I began slowly transitioning our family farm from the industrial cattle farm that it had become. Today we pasture-raise cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, goats, rabbits, honey, eggs, organic vegetables, and a lot of the other products that the Abundance of Nature provides when...

Will’s Wisdom: Your Opportunity To Bring A Little Prosperity To Impoverished Rural America

Every thinking American has some level of recognition of the decay that has occurred in our rural communities. Almost everyone can agree that this decline is one of the greatest economic disasters of the last half century.

Will’s Wisdom: To Concerned Consumers, From a Regenerative Farmer

An important message from a Regenerative Farmer to Concerned Consumers:

Do you believe in Climate Change?

Most thinking people do. 

Do you worry about how climate change will impact future generations?  

Most compassionate people do. 

Do you wish that there was an action, that you could do from the...

It Has Gotten Worse In The Past 98 Years

The Hijacking of the American Food System ain't new, it just continues to get a helluva lot worse.

Debunking the “Feed The World” Myth

“You can’t feed the world that way. It’s not scaleable.”

Industrialized agriculture interests argue that factory farming is the only way to feed our growing world population. This mantra is used to justify destructive and inhumane practices that make food artificially cheap and wastefully abundant....

A Tale of Two Brothers

The power of animal impact: a side by side comparison of grazed versus ungrazed pasture

Once upon a time, there was an industrial commodity farmer who had two sons.

The father and his two sons worked together to produce corn and soybeans in a monoculture. They rotated the two crops year after year...

Less Than 15 Damn Cents

If most consumers knew what I know, they would buy their food directly from a farm.

There are a lot of good reasons to know where your food comes from.  The most obvious is that its not a good idea to put anything in your mouth unless you know where it has been.

There are also health, safety, and...

How Our Farm Reverses Land Degeneration

Scientists tell us that the planet that we live on was once a lifeless rock, spinning around the sun. It would have been black, and brown, and gray, with a poisonous atmosphere. It would have been incredibly hot on one side, with the water vaporized, and incredibly cold on the other side, with the...

From What Country Are You Buying Your Beef?

To the HSUS Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee,

Reminder - "US" in HSUS stands for “United States.”

Planned Grazing Overview

Will Harris shares how he evolved from the principles of grazing he was taught at the University of Georgia in the 1970’s, to the holistic management platform he so strongly adheres to and endorses today. Planned grazing is one of the integral components of holistic management that helps generate...

Our Land Use vs. Our Neighbor's Land Use

The above aerial image shows three neighboring forms of land use in south Georgia. Below, Will Harris explains what we are looking at in this image. We are proud of our regenerative land management.

Will's Wisdom on Regenerative Agriculture

Over the millions of years of our earth's evolution, a number of essential cycles were created: the water cycle, the energy cycle, the mineral cycle, the microbial cycle, the carbon cycle, and others.

Over the last 80, or so, years, we have broken all these cycles. We have industrialized,...

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