What A Resilient Production System Looks Like

For the last 25 years, some of us have recognized there is no resilience in the American food production system. Today, it is painfully evident to anyone who takes a look at it. 

We Are Resilient.

Food shopping has seen some of the most radical changes in decades over the last four weeks - changes none of us ever dreamed possible. These changes forced us to take our farm operations back to the drawing board and rethink how we manage fulfillment. Over the last thirty days, we added 16...

Regenerative Agriculture Meets Solar Farm in New Partnership

What if renewable energy was not just sustainable, but was also regenerative?

White Oak Pastures’ new partnership with Silicon Ranch Corporation is bringing regenerative land management to almost 2,400 solar farm acres in Southwest Georgia. White Oak Pastures will be implementing holistic planned...

Will’s Wisdom: Australian Fires and Imported Grassfed Beef

Fact: American grassfed beef ranches have lost most of their profitability in the last few years.

I have found it necessary to rethink encouraging new producers to embrace our regenerative cattle production model. I now feel compelled to warn them to be very careful. This is because we veteran...

6 Reasons To Eat Pasture-Raised in 2020

With Thanksgiving and Christmas behind us, I begin reflecting on the year that has come and gone. There are always things I wish I had accomplished, but also those projects for which I’m proud to have completed. This valuable reflection allows me the opportunity to set goals (or resolutions) for...

Will’s Wisdom: Your Opportunity To Bring A Little Prosperity To Impoverished Rural America

Every thinking American has some level of recognition of the decay that has occurred in our rural communities. Almost everyone can agree that this decline is one of the greatest economic disasters of the last half century.

It Has Gotten Worse In The Past 98 Years

The Hijacking of the American Food System ain't new, it just continues to get a helluva lot worse.

Debunking the “Feed The World” Myth

“You can’t feed the world that way. It’s not scaleable.”

Industrialized agriculture interests argue that factory farming is the only way to feed our growing world population. This mantra is used to justify destructive and inhumane practices that make food artificially cheap and wastefully abundant....

Kolomoki Mounds

There's a little strip of land down here in Bluffton that we call "The Bluffton Ridge". It's about 15 miles long, and just a few hundred yards wide. It's where the Appalachian Mountains have gone underground, and combined with the coastal plains weather, where about 52 inches of rainfall pretty...

Less Than 15 Damn Cents

If most consumers knew what I know, they would buy their food directly from a farm.

There are a lot of good reasons to know where your food comes from.  The most obvious is that its not a good idea to put anything in your mouth unless you know where it has been.

There are also health, safety, and...

Employee of the Month - Amanda Johnson

Meet Amanda Johnson, who lives just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the farm, and is taking care of our customers, dinner guests, and lodgers.

Baby Blog

Our farm has had a baby boom this last year! We pride ourselves on rural revival. White Oak Pastures' regenerative farm model contributes to rural revival in South Georgia through job creation. This is a main tenant of our farm's mission. We are so proud to welcome a new generation to the families...

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