Know Your Farmer- Cedric Jones - Kill Floor

Posted by Laura Mortelliti
Jun 21, 2017 9:57:02 AM

“One thing I’d say about White Oak Pastures- it’s more than just a job- it’s like a family,” says Cedric Jones.

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Cedric shares this common sentiment with many employees on the farm. As the Harrises say, we are a ”farmily”. “Everyone gets along well. It’s a great job,” Cedric explains. “They take care of their employees. Sometimes it’s hard to find a good job, with good people to work with, and get paid well, but here I found all three. Another thing I can say is Mr. Will is a hard worker. He’s dedicated. He works every day. I come to work every day, on time, and he’s here every day, on time as well. He cares a lot about his business and his employees and he’s a hard working man”.

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Cedric has worked in the White Oak Pastures Temple Grandin-designed slaughterhouse since 2009. His calm, sensitive demeanor allows him to handle the cattle in a low-stress, humane manner. Cedric unloads and works cattle in our pens and kill floor. He also has the very important position of operating the captive bolt gun. This is the device which delivers the stunning blow to our grassfed cattle during the slaughter process. Each of the cattle processed on our farm have been touched by Cedric. His job is incredibly crucial. The last hours and minutes of an animal’s life are just as meaningful as the high quality life we provide them up until that point of slaughter. It is paramount to treat the animals with the utmost respect and Cedric takes this to heart on a daily basis. Read on to learn more about Cedric.

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How did you become involved in your line of work?

I had a friend who worked out here and he said they needed some help. So I’ve been here since 2009. It was my first time doing work like this.

What is the biggest challenge you face on a daily basis?

Making sure I do everything the right way, and that I handle the cows the right way.

What is your favorite food in the dining Pavilion?

The Chicken Quesadilla.

If you could trade roles with someone on the farm for a day, who would it be and why?

Brian Sapp, Director of Operations. He’s the boss. He can run everything. He can fix stuff. He knows everything that’s going on all the time. 

What is the best, and worst, part about living in South Georgia?

The best part, rent is cheap. Worst part, it’s boring. Really not a lot to do. You have to drive an hour or two to do anything.

What is your favorite meal to cook at home (with White Oak Pastures products)?

Chili with our hamburger meat.  

What’s your favorite daily chore?

Taking good care of the cows making sure they get treated right.

What’s your favorite hobby outside of work?






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