On-Farm Workshop: Regenerating Land through Livestock Impact

Posted by White Oak Pastures Team
Feb 19, 2020 6:01:00 AM

It's one thing to hear about regenerative land management, and it's another thing to learn, see, and experience hands-on. That's why we're offering an intensive on-farm workshop, Regenerating Land Through Livestock Impact, on April 4th, 2020.

"To manage land without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, one must understand how livestock can shape pasture production," says Will Harris. "Nature abhors a monoculture, which means it's beyond important for us to understand how animals can be used as tools."

Join us at our annual producer-focused workshop to learn how our management staff tackle the challenges of being "grass farmers".

Will Harris tourism White Oak Pastures

This workshop brings together managers of all departments of White Oak Pastures. Will Harris and John Benoit will be talking soil health, leading a pasture walk and discussing our carbon-negative Life Cycle Assessment study. Scott Cleveland will be talking about cattle, covering herd size and breeding cycle to prescriptive grazing. Mark Harrison will discuss the benefits of poultry for soil health and housing issues.  Tyler Huber will discuss small ruminants, including fencing and grazing tools. Kylan Hoover will discuss using hog impact on soil as well as silvopasture use of grazing. Finally, Jenni Harris will cover marketing best practices to sell to the end consumer. 

This is a workshop designed to give you an overview of how farm operations, animal impact, and regenerative land management work together at White Oak Pastures, and how you can implement these systems on your own farm. Whether your land is home to a mix of cattle and hogs, just some flocks poultry, or herds of 1,000+ cattle, operations of all sizes can implement regenerative land management. 

Our annual producer-focused workshop is our way of sharing what we've learned in our operation with the farmers around the country and around the world. If you've ever wanted to visit White Oak Pastures, learn how all the pieces fit together, and bring back land management practices to your own land - we can't wait to see you at this workshop!


Producer-Focused Workshop:  Regenerating Land Through Livestock Impact

Date: April 4th, 2020
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Price: $300

Details: breakfast, lunch and farm tour are included

Lodging: on-farm lodging in our cabins is available!

Call for reservations: 229-641-2081

BUY WORKSHOP TICKETS: Regenerating Land through Livestock Impact

Keep reading about our three core values:

Regenerative Agriculture • Animal Welfare • Rural Revival

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Grassfed & Pastured Recipes