Shop Now: 4 Day Inventory Freeze in Our Online Store

Posted by Jenni Harris
Feb 23, 2018 12:30:00 PM

Shop now before our 4 day inventory freeze.

Shop Now! We will freeze all inventory March 1st - March 5th for a hard physical count and inventory module integration. We will not be able to accept any orders during this period. We look forward to this final step in digitizing our inventory, which will minimize shipping costs while improving accuracy and fulfillment.

Bubba wraps a palette of ground beef on the loading dock

For over 150 years, we have worked hard to learn as much as we could about raising livestock on pasture. We’ve learned an incredible amount through the years, and make no mistake, there is still plenty of learning still to be done. In 2008, we opened our USDA-inspected, zero-waste, on-farm red meat abattoir, and the learning curve took yet another steep climb. We are fiercely proud of the strides we have made, but every day we learn that we have only just scratched the surface.

Our IFC and Load dock staff have worked very hard to bring our pasture raised protein to your doorstep.jpg

Managing payroll, account receivables, account payables, pricing, order production documents, product pricing and inventory in separate programs became a nightmare as we began to diversify our operation. Not only were we processing ten species of animals, but managing hundreds of customers with hundreds of product specs. It became clear that investments must be made to have a central backbone for our business operation. In 2014, we launched an ERP program called Sage 100, and we have been learning how to use it since. The last missing link to integrating our business is the inventory module, which we hope will be complete in just a few short days.

Loading Dock Manager organizes cases of grassfed ground beef inside a freezer trailer preparing to hit the road

On March 1st, the White Oak Pastures website ( and online store will show OUT OF STOCK inventory statuses for ALL ITEMS. While you are browsing a stockless store, we will be in our freezers and coolers counting all of our products and raw materials for one last ‘hard physical count.’ If all goes according to plan, we will upload our final count on the evening of March 5th. Our online store will resume its normal functions by 8 am on March 6th. The task is mighty, our ambitions are high, and our passions are lit. All of our staff is ready to make this final leap to having a unified system connecting us.


Shop now while our online store shows stock in the items we have available.

We will get your order shipped ASAP.

If you are not able to submit your order by March 1st, then pray for us...and come back ready to shop on March 6th.

Business will resume as normal, and we will all be relieved to have this task in the rearview mirror.

Loading Dock Manager Bubba Jackson loading freezer trucks for wholesale orders.jpg

Keep reading about our three core values:

Regenerative Agriculture • Animal Welfare • Rural Revival

For cooking tips and original recipes, check out our recipe blog:

Grassfed & Pastured Recipes