Good Land Stewardship Can Be Seen

Posted by Laura Mortelliti
Apr 13, 2017 3:12:53 PM


 Above: This fenceline demonstrates the stark difference between a pasture that was grazed (right) and a pasture left fallow (left).  We own the right pasture and recently aquired the left. We look forward to increasing the bioproductivity and forage profile of the new pasture using all natural, animal impact. 


 Above: We are very excited about the above image. The grass inside the fenced lane has not been grazed or had animal impact in several years. The grass on either side of the lane has seen years of animal impact through managed grazing. The grass on the left has not yet been grazed this season and the grass on the right is currently being grazed. If you compare the grass inside the lane (no animal impact) to the grass on the left side, you will see the stark improvement animal impact has had on the bioproductivity of this pasture. Both the right and left pastures are markedly more productive than the ungrazed section inside the lane. We are excited to show the three gradients of forage growth here in a single, powerful image. 

Below: Our pecan orchard demonstrates the power of roots in soil-retention. Our neighbor's industrially farmed row-crop field adjoins our pecan orchard. There is an incredible difference in the height of the land on our orchard as compared to the height of the land on the neighboring property. Water and soil retention are important in preserving the health of our land. Root systems play a key role in this- a phenomenom clearly demonstrated in this photo. It takes around 500 years to form one inch of topsoil. We do not want this valuable asset blown or washed away. Mr. Will Harris uses a level to measure the height difference at 30 inches between these adjacent properties.  It should be noted that this area slopes on a East-West axis but the soil height variation is on a North-South axis. This rules out the potential for natural land slope to play a role in this juxtaposition. 





Keep reading about our three core values:

Regenerative Agriculture • Animal Welfare • Rural Revival

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