Inspiration can come from people, places, or things, and we never know when or from where our inspiration may come. For Denna Peterson, it emerged from the process of remodeling. She started making her own chandeliers and furniture, then moved on to painting the inside of her home. Her husband, Chris, swore they were losing square footage in the house because of the numerous layers of paint. An acquaintance commissioned Denna to collect oyster shells to form “oyster trees.” Denna had never created anything like that, but said she would “give it a whirl”. This was the first piece of art Denna sold.

From there, her friend, Amy Bates, who had a cow skull hanging on a gate, asked Denna if she could “do something with it.” Again, her reply was “I’ll give it a whirl.” She designed the skull to fit her best friend’s personality. “She’s a hippie, and loves all colors and the peace sign, so I thought I’d make it look like her.” Denna used multiple colors, including different shades of pinks, purples, blues, and turquoise, when experimenting with the “dipping” method. It turned out perfectly, with the favored “peace” sign and flowers, and the skull teeth painted gold for the perfect amount of “bling.” That is when the skull became Denna’s favored subject.
Ironically, all of this took place before Denna even came to White Oak Pastures one year ago to serve as one of our staff accountants. Since that time, Denna has designed a skull for our Dining Pavilion, and her designer skulls may be purchased in our General Store. Denna researches to determine an individual’s recurring interests and preferences to tailor the skull to fit their personality, just as she did with her friend Amy.
Each skull is individually designed, and no skull is duplicated. Denna’s Facebook page, “Denna’s Addictions,” showcases other artistic creations.
However, if you are more interested in skull designs, Denna is leading a workshop at White Oak Pastures, where you may design your own personalized piece of art. Register now for the “Early Bird” discount, and join Denna and friends on September 15 to design your showpiece!