Customer Spotlight- Whole Dog Market

Posted by Laura Mortelliti
Sep 28, 2017 1:13:48 PM


Tell us a little about Whole Dog Market and what you do?

The Whole Dog Market is built on a customer focused experience. We have 4 retail stores in the Atlanta area and one in the Birmingham area. Our primary goal is to listen to our customers and help them find the best food in their price range. Food affects our dogs so much in terms of health and behavior that we start there. Our hand-picked food offering is free of soy, corn, and artificial colorings and dyes.

We also support customers in all of their other purchases, including treats, collars and leashes, supplements, etc. We don’t carry everything but we will help our customers FIND anything. We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy to ensure our customers get what they want and are happy with their purchases.

The Whole Dog Market also includes our online offering of White Oak Pastures chews and our in-house dehydrated line of treats. For our own treat line, we take raw product from White Oak Pastures, cut it or grind it into treat sizes, and dehydrate it to preserve freshness.

Whole Dog Market partners with White Oak Pastures

How did you get into the pet food business?

After opening a dog boarding business called Doguroo in 2004, we began researching the dog food market and the big changes that had been happening to improve the quality of dog food available. We began offering a variety of hand-picked dog food brands to our Doguroo customers. Our retail offering was well received and grew into a substantial part of our business. In 2012 we decided to extend the retail side to stand alone, brick and mortar stores.

In 2014, Amber Harris came into our first Piedmont Park retail location to talk to us about the pet treats from White Oak Pastures and we were hooked! We were honored to work with White Oak in the initial stages of expanding the pet treat business. White Oak treats are by far our biggest selling line of treats.

In 2015, we added an in-house line of dehydrated White Oak Pastures treat products, including beef heart, beef liver, beef kidney and beef tongue. Soon after we added training treats, gizzards and jerky all available in the major species raised at White Oak Pastures, including chicken, duck, goose, guinea, and turkey.

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Why do you choose to support White Oak Pastures?

We are enthralled with the story of White Oak Pastures. As business owners, we have great appreciation for the risk they took to change the direction of their farm from traditional commercial processing to the organic, Serengeti gazing model they follow today.

We love animals which is why we do what we do. The no waste philosophy of White Oak is very important to us. We feel it pays homage to the animals that give their lives in order for us to feed ourselves.

Through the no waste philosophy, The Whole Dog Market now has an amazing line of bulk and bagged dog treats. These treats are incredibly nutritious for dogs. For example, the feet are a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin which dogs need for healthy joints. We also believe that dogs have a daily chewing quota which supports their natural instinct and need to chew. The WOP treats require harder chewing than soft treats. Chewing strengthens their jaws and can help dogs relieve stress and alleviate boredom.


What do you think your customers appreciate most about White Oak Pastures?

Our customers love the story of White Oak Pastures. As pet owners and dog lovers themselves, they appreciate the care taken to raise animals humanely.  Many are also familiar with WOP through their favorite restaurants and grocery stores, so they love that their dog's treats are from the same place as their grass-fed beef!

What is your personal favorite White Oak Pastures pet item?

The rawhides are our favorite White Oak item because there is literally nothing else like it on the market. The beautiful cow hide provides great chewing exercise for dogs as well as mental stimulation. They are a completely natural, sun-dried product that dogs absolutely love!

Tell us what you have learned about the pet food consumer in regards to buying White Oak Pastures products?

Consumers want to know where their food comes from and how it is grown. Pet owners are no different when it comes to the food for their pets. In fact, they may be even more vigilant about the products they feed their dogs. They love knowing where the White Oak products because of the White Oak Pastures story.

How can consumers order Whole Dog Market products?

We sell our products in our 4 retail stores, at Farmers Markets, and online. Consumers can visit us at to order online or to locate one of stores!

Where do you see Whole Dog Market in 10 years?

Our plan is to continue to grow the number of retail stores we have and continue to grow our online business. We find it a privilege to have a relationship with White Oak Pastures. We look forward to growing our offering of treats from WOP and using our relationship as a model to work with other organic farms in the future.



"White Oak Pastures is equally as passionate about working with Whole Dog Market. Having a retailer that believes in our production system and product enough to explain it to their shopper is such a blessing. In 2014, when I randomly stopped by their Piedmont Park location, I had no idea what a wonderful relationship would come from it! They have stuck by our side and been incredibly patient with us from the beginning of our pet chew venture. I love WDM for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is that they send their new employees down to the farm for a tour. They want them to gain a better understanding of what we do here so they can explain our farming practices to their customers. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is!" - Amber Harris

Keep reading about our three core values:

Regenerative Agriculture • Animal Welfare • Rural Revival

For cooking tips and original recipes, check out our recipe blog:

Grassfed & Pastured Recipes