Tell us a little about The Good Kitchen, and what you do?
We make delicious ready to heat and eat meals using high quality ingredients, that are delivered to your home or office. Peace of mind included. We make sure our farmers and producers meet the highest ethical and sustainability standards. From there, we artfully craft all of the ingredients into delicious, chef-driven meals that are as tasty as they are healthy. All you have to do is heat, eat and enjoy.
The foods we put into our body are choices we make to not only satisfy hunger, but to improve ourselves physically, mentally, and even spiritually. When we eat healthier and more in line with our needs, our bodies react less to allergens and we feel better. And The Good Kitchen is proof we can achieve optimal health by eating the things we love.
We’re giving you back time and energy so you can enjoy more of your life. It’s the essence of what we do, and not just because it matters to you, but because we know how crowded life can become. Now everyone has the power to eat well in order to live better.
Above: From Left to Right, Melissa Hayes (President), Amber Lewis (Founder/CEO), and Carter Lewis (CMO).
How did you get into the business of creating ready to eat meals?
I was a coach at a CrossFit gym in Charlotte. We would lead the Paleo challenges at the beginning of the year and during the holidays. It was amazing to me to see the results and commitment people had to their health for 30 days. Then once the challenge was over, people would not stick with it. They wanted to stick with it and they were super excited with their results. But, overwhelmingly I was told, people just didn’t have the time to make the change in lifestyle sustainable. At that point I knew there was a need. I had a consumer base, I just had to start cooking! Luckily I have a natural knack for cooking and a very supportive network of friends and family.

Why do you choose to support White Oak Pastures?
White Oak Pastures aligns with our mission and vision of how food should be raised and how animals should be handled. I am such an animal advocate and lover, but I am also an omnivore. I’ve tried being a vegetarian and it just wasn’t right for me and my health. So, as a meat consumer, I want to know where my protein is coming from and that it was raised in the best possible way for the animal. As I have heard over and over again, the animals at WOP only have one bad day. WOP is doing everything right. From the animal welfare, to the land welfare. It was a no brainer for us!
What do you think your customers appreciate most about White Oak Pastures?
I think the quality and the transparency. I know that’s what I appreciate about WOP and I would be a customer of TGK if I didn’t create it ☺
Where do you see The Good Kitchen in 10 years?
I see two major things in the next 10 years:
- TGK will be on the forefront of changing the way people think about food. It’s not just about protein, carb and fat. It’s about the sourcing and treatment of the food we eat. Our food system has to change and people will always have to eat. And, with our society, folks will continue to be time starved.
- I think we will be involved in or starting a program that gets nutrient dense meals to food deserts in the states. It’s something I have had in my mind since we started the company and a big part of vision for what’s next.
Above: Amber (Founder/CEO) enjoying lunch at White Oak Pastures in our on-farm dining pavilion.
What is your favorite White Oak Pastures protein and recipe?
A TGK favorite is the Beef Barbacoa with Chili Dusted Sweet Potatoes. I could literally eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Recipe below:
For the meat:
Chuck Roll – 2-2.5 lbs
Vegetable Stock – 1.5 cups
Sea Salt – 1 Tablespoon
Black Pepper – ½ Tablespoon
Rub the salt and pepper into the chuck roll evenly. Place meat in a crock pot on low or in an instapot on beef stew. Add Vegetable stock and allow to cook until tender.
BBQ Sauce:
Yellow onion: ½ diced
Crushed Tomato – 8oz can
Garlic – 3 cloves chopped
Jalapeno – 1 chopped
Sea Salt – 1/2 Tablespoon
Black Pepper – 1 Teaspoon
Lime Juice - Juice from half a lime
Oregano – 1.5 Tablespoons
Paprika – 2 Tablespoons
Saute the garlic, onion and jalapeno until soft. Add in the crushed tomato, lime juice and spices. Bring to a simmer for about 20 minutes. Place in a blender and puree. Set aside for beef.
Chili Dusted Sweet Potato:
Sweet Potato – 1.5 lbs
Sea Salt – ½ Tablespoon
Black Pepper – ¼ Teaspoon
Chili Powder – ½ Tablespoon
Cayenne Pepper – ¼ Teaspoon
Avocado Oil – enough to coat sweet potatoes generously
Pre heat ove to 400 degrees. Chop sweet potato into large chunks. Coat potato pieces with avocado oil and spread out on sheet pan. Sprinkle spices evenly onto potatoes. You may have to use your hands to toss the potato to get the spices evenly distributed. Place in oven for about 30-45 minutes or until potatoes are soft and starting to brown on the edges.
While the potatoes are cooking. Remove the beef and shred with a fork. Add the BBQ sauce and mix well. You can add as much or as little of the sauce you would like to taste.
How can customers order The Good Kitchen's products?
It’s easy! Just go to and place your order. We ship on Monday for a Tuesday or Wednesday delivery depending on where you are located. You choose your meal plan, meals and the frequency in which you prefer your delivery. We do everything else!
Photo Credit For All Photos: THE GOOD KITCHEN