Jenni Harris- 5 Things I Learned On The Farm:
1.Growing up on the farm taught me that truck seats are for guns, ropes, knives and tools. You're lucky to find a place to sit.
2. Wake up early- because it gets real hot.
3. If you see something, say something (not just at the airport)- Then fix it. Nobody likes a problem reporter.
4. Listen before speaking- Because "un-ringing that bell" is hard work.
5. Do what you are told- immediately. Most of the time, it's not a suggestion.
Jodi Harris Benoit- 5 Things I Learned On The Farm:
1. Why walk when you can ride a horse.
2. Leave the gate how you found it.
3. Stay hydrated. Working cows in the middle of August can lead to a heat stroke.
4. It takes a village to raise a child. Always be prepared to bottle raise any specie of animal (but breast is best).
5. There is always something that needs fixin'.

Above Photography Credit: Amanda Green for Garden and Gun
Below Photographt Credit: Stephen Smith for EPIC Bar and Savory