This recipe for pasture-raised chicken wings in a spicy buffalo ranch sauce comes to us from Justin Beggs, who manages our online order fulfillment center at White Oak Pastures. A resident of downtown Bluffton, Georgia, Justin has cooked his famous wing recipe for all our White Oak Pastures friends and visitors. We take wings seriously down here, and Justin's recipe paired with our pastured chicken wings is the perfect combination.
- 1 teaspoon garlic salt
- 1 teaspoon lemon pepper
- 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1 teaspoon White Oak Pastures Home-made Poultry Rub
- 1 bottle of Moore’s Creamy Ranch Buffalo Sauce
- 2.5 lb package White Oak Pastures Pastured Chicken Party Wings or Pastured Chicken Legs
- To add more heat, you can add your preference of hot sauce in with the Moore’s Creamy Ranch Buffalo Sauce.

Thaw the meat in a bowl in the refrigerator. Rinse wings/legs in the sink.

Place wings/legs in a pot of water and add seasonings above, bring to a boil. While wings/legs are boiling start your grill. You can use whatever method you prefer, but a “chimney starter” may give you a more natural taste.

After wings/legs have boiled for about 10 minutes, drain the water and baste the meat thoroughly with about ½ bottle of the Moore’s Creamy Ranch Buffalo Sauce.

When your grill is heated to hold at 400 degrees F consistently, you can place the sauced wings/legs on the grill. Let the wings or legs cook for 5 minutes on each side.

Remove the wings or legs from the grill and place in a bowl. Add the other half of the Moore’s Creamy Ranch Buffalo Sauce, toss, and enjoy!

Pasture-Raised Chicken Wings Party Pack
2.5 lb $10.41
Pasture-Raised Chicken Legs
2.5 lb $11.87