Corn & Soy Free: Grilled Chicken Drumsticks

How Do You Cook A Grassfed Steak?

If you were to take a fresh ribeye out of our on-farm abattoir’s Cutting Room and cook it without aging it properly, it would most likely result in a tough steak. Particularly for grassfed steaks, we recommend aging the meat

Simple Ways to Make Grassfed Beef Tender (if aging isn’t your thing)

White Oak Pastures cows, raised on pasture and with plenty of natural exercise, have less marbling than commodity feedlot cattle. Our grassfed beef comes from animals who were raised on pasture, as they were intended to. 

Reverse Sear Method: How to Cook Your Grassfed Steak “The Easy Way”

While we can wax poetic about the best way to cook a grassfed beef steak, we understand that sometimes, maybe it’s not your thing. You don’t want the pressure. You’ve had a little too much wine before dinner. Isn’t there an easier method?

Cooking Pastured Sausage On the Grill or In the Kitchen

The significant difference between commodity sausage and pastured sausage comes down to the way the animals are raised, as well as the processing method of the farm. Our farm offers a range of sausages from six different species. Our sausages are slightly leaner, better seasoned, and made from...


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