Our Internship Program: Training the Next Generation

We didn’t plan to have an internship program. But as we grew our farm operations in the early 2010s, we started to field more and more questions from people interested in visiting the farm to see what we do. 

Where There Is Will, There Is A Way

As I reflected on Will Harris’ explanation of the Internship Program at White Oak Pastures, a similarity ran through my mind. Will and Ray Kinsella, the farmer played by Kevin Costner in the 1989 film Field Of Dreams, share a common experience, so to speak. Ray was a baseball fan who either audibly...

What To Expect From The Unknown

White Oak Pastures is a model of the highest standards of animal welfare, holistic farm management, and regenerative agriculture. Our Internship/Apprenticeship Program allows us to expose and train each intern in the different departments incorporated under the White Oak Pastures’ umbrella....

Where Are They Now?

Emerson is credited with saying, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” White Oak Pastures is excited to be a part of our interns’ journey but wanted to get a glimpse of the paths that a few of them have followed, and the destinations a few have reached.

Green, Growing and Always Learning

“The Internship Program at White Oak Pastures was once just an idea. How many countless emails and phone calls were intercepted as students and other like-minded people began begging for the opportunity to come learn with us? We heard you. Now we offer one of the most comprehensive regenerative ag...


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